Vial Types

At Cryobank America, we sell a few different types of sperm vials. We aim to help you determine the best vial type for your situation.

Both Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and Intracervical Insemination (ICI) are considered artificial insemination procedures in which you will receive fertility treatments using a vial (or tube) to reach the uterus for intrauterine insemination or the cervix for intracervical insemination.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Vials

The sperm in this vial type is called a "washed" specimen. Sperm in this vial has undergone a premium density gradient separation wash, used to purify and isolate the healthiest sperm cells to increase your odds of obtaining a pregnancy. A typical semen ejaculation contains many biological debris, other cell types, and seminal fluid, which can cause severe cramping for the recipient of the sperm used in an intrauterine insemination procedure.

This vial type is also the most versatile. Since sperm contained in IUI-ready vials have undergone a premium wash, our clients can use them for intrauterine inseminations, intracervical inseminations, at-home insemination, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedures.

IUI vials at Cryobank America also contain the highest concentration of healthy sperm cells. Our IUI vials target 12.5 million motile sperm cells per 0.5ml vial. You can only purchase them in 0.5ml units. Therefore, if you purchase two vials, this is equivalent to 25 million motile sperm cells per 1-milliliter vial.
test tubes up close with green liquid
test tubes with blue liquid

Intracervical Insemination (ICI) Vials

The sperm in this vial type has not undergone density gradient separation and is considered "unwashed". The sperm in this vial also contains the various biological debris, round cells, and seminal fluid found in a typical ejaculate. A cryogenic buffer solution is added to the specimen to survive the freezing and thawing process, but that is the only thing performed on this specimen type.

Since these vials contain various biological cellular materials, we don't recommend them for use in intrauterine insemination procedures. However, you can use this vial type for intracervical insemination or at-home insemination practices. Your treating physician can also use this vial type for onsite laboratory processing for intrauterine insemination, although there is typically an extra charge by your clinic.

ICI vials at Cryobank America are targeted for 17 million motile cells per vial and are only sold in 1-milliliter units.

Vial Grades

Cryobank America offers three tiers of IUI and ICI vials: our traditional premium vials, A.R.T. vials, and ICSI vials.
Our traditional premium vials contain the highest number of motile cells per vial. IUI vials target 12.5 million cells per half (0.5) milliliter and 25 million cells per (1) milliliter (25M/ml). ICI vials target 17 million motile cells per milliliter (17M/ml).
A.R.T. vials, also called Assisted Reproductive Technology vials, are vial types that contain fewer motile sperm cells. Our IUI A.R.T. vials target 6-12 million motile cells per 0.5ml and 6-24 million motile cells per milliliter. Our ICI A.R.T. vials target 6-16 million motile cells per milliliter. This vial type is most commonly used for IVF procedures.
Lastly are our ICSI vials. They contain the fewest cells per vial, ranging from 0.5-5.5 million motile cells for each vial type. Since it only takes a single sperm cell to fertilize the egg, we recommend this only be used for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedures.

Vial Type Sperm Concentration Comparison

*Due to sperm counting being a subjective process, Cryobank America targets certain values and a range of +/- 30% is promised. Due to variations in counting methods and specimen recovery, it is expected that your laboratory will find values within 30% of our target concentration.
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